Wu Minxia et les jeux Olumpiques/Young Chinese legend
Un Carrière extra-Ordinaire pour la CHINOISE WU MINXIA
A career extra-ordinary for CHINESE Wu Minxia
La Chinoise Wu Minxia est devenue la première sportive à avoir gagné cinq titres olympiques au plongeon, en s'imposant au synchronisé 3 m, en compagnie de Shi Tingmao, dimanche, aux Jeux de Rio.
China's Wu Minxia became the first sport to have won five Olympic titles in diving, winning the 3m synchronized, along with Shi Tingmao Sunday at the Rio Games.
China's Wu Minxia became the first sport to have won five Olympic titles in diving, winning the 3m synchronized, along with Shi Tingmao Sunday at the Rio Games.
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